Climate and Environment

The triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, is an escalating threat to all life on earth. At the same time, there is growing evidence that the crisis is contributing to a range of mental health challenges.

Young man sitting in a pond drained by drought.

The Challenge

Growing evidence indicates that the planetary climate and environmental crisis is having a detrimental effect on people living with or at risk of mental health problems. 

It is estimated that, by 2030, the cost of mental disorders caused by climate-related hazards, air pollution and a lack of access to green space will reach almost $47 billion per year

Our Approach

We will work to

  • Increase evidence and awareness of the reciprocal impacts of climate change, the environment, and mental health.
  • Encourage governments to include mental health as a core part of their climate adaptation and mitigation plans, and loss and damage strategies.
  • Advocate for the integration of mental health in climate and environment financing plans.
  • Elevate the profile of mental health in global climate and environment forums, ensuring that discussions and priorities align with the needs of the most affected communities and people with lived experience.

To realise this vision, we need:

  • Increased research: from quantifying the impacts of the planetary crisis on mental health to developing and evaluating mental health interventions that align with adaptation and mitigation strategies (e.g., integrating mental health considerations in national adaptation plans).
  • The active participation of the health sector, including ministries of health, in climate processes.
  • New financial commitments earmarked for mental health within the context of the planetary crisis.
  • National and grassroots civil society organisations, particularly those from the most affected communities, including individuals with lived experience, to actively engage in global moments and decision-making processes at all levels.